Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm having a hard time not telling people things. Like, all the time. I want to talk about this new relationship. I want to make lots of jokes about my new lifestyle on Twitter. I WANT TO SAY THINGS, YOU GUYS. I'm not good at keeping things quiet. I've never been able to keep a secret.

Someone told me maybe to think about it like having a secret makes things more exciting. But that's just not how I roll, you guys. I fucking like to tell people what is going on with me. Yeah, sure, it's probably annoying at times, but also I like to think it's part of my charm. I'm all full of TMI.

I thought writing here would help, but like, I think about 5 people max read this. I need more exposure. I CAN'T EVEN PROMOTE MY BLOG. Grr.

So yeah, that's where I'm at today. I'm also sick with a sinus infection and slightly hungover. I want to go to sleep so badly right now it hurts my soul. When I'm tired, I'm even worse at keeping my thoughts to myself. 

Whine whine whine whine. What a fucking baby. WAAAAAH! :)

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