Monday, July 30, 2012

Today is our one year wedding anniversary. Honestly never thought we'd be where we're at right now, nor did I think it would be something that has made our relationship better. We agreed the other day that we love each other more now than we ever have, that our marriage feels stronger and we communicate better. I feel like we KNOW each other more now than ever before. There were all these things we never noticed, and now we talk about everything all the time. And I love it.

I love my husband. I know a lot of people won't understand. I'm so glad we're married, I don't regret it at all. I'm glad we're married because he brings out the best in me and is my very best friend. He's my partner in life. And I'm frankly just glad that he is brave, supportive and understanding enough to go through all this with me. It's not easy, but the rewards totally outweigh the risks.

Happy Anniversary.

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