Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Third Date with Punk Rock Librarian(tm)

Was that really just a third date?

It's been about a week now since I met this guy, but so much has gone on with him and with other things in my life that it feels like a whole lot longer. It also feels like we've spent more time together when really, up until last night, we'd only seen each other three times.

Our first date we just went out for drinks, and while it was awkward, it wasn't as awkward as I expected. The best part of the night was when he got up from the other side of the table to sit next to me. It was just so forward and adorable. I like forward. I'm pretty forward with people, and open about what's going on with me, so I enjoy spending time with someone who is like that with me. I don't know, I didn't expect it to click, but then it did.

So, being kind of a spaz, I some how harassed him in to hanging out with me the next night. I already talked about that a little, how weird it is to be looked at, how weird it is to have sex with someone new, especially someone you don't know very well.

After that, David started to have some relatively intense jealousy issues, which I can relate to because I was feeling similarly when he stayed with the woman he is seeing. Just as I had decided that maybe it was best if I met her before they spent more time together, he felt similarly. So a few days ago David and I met new guy and his wife for drinks. I was SUUUUUUUUUUPER nervous all day. Like, sick nervous. But I get that way about smaller things, so it wasn't unexpected and I didn't feel out of control or anything. And it went well! It was slightly awkward at first, but awkward in that way that you'd feel just hanging out with any new people for the first time. We talked about poly issues and just generally bullshitted about things. I liked his wife a lot, which helped me feel less intimidated by her (she's pretty hot). It seemed like he got along with David. And most importantly, it seemed to ease David's mind a lot, to put a face on him.

This is definitely not how these people would normally operate, though. After just two dates and less than a week of knowing someone, it's not necessarily family meet and greet time. But luckily they were cool with it, because that is what David wanted. And I want to make sure I put his feelings first. He's been so understanding and supportive about all of this, considering it was my idea and I'm slightly more into it than he is. He's a wonderful husband and I'm a lucky girl. I want to make sure that he's comfortable with everything that is going on.

So, back to third date. Third date was last night. We met up like we did on our second date, went grocery shopping and he cooked me dinner. We had tons of time to talk with plenty of time for great sex after dinner. I have to admit, the sex is awesome and exciting, but it wouldn't be if it weren't for the fact that I feel like I'm really connecting with someone. See, at first, when David and I started this whole poly/open marriage situation, I really didn't think I could actually date and get involved in a relationship with other people. I thought it would mostly be about making out and maybe having sex and just generally being slutty. And yes, sex is great and important, but it's getting to know someone you really like that makes it so exciting and fun (just like the sex is so amazing with David because of how good we are together as a couple).  I'm really glad I responded to this particular man, and very surprised at how I feel already.

I obviously don't want to get ahead of myself since we've only hung out a few times, but getting too excited is sort of my modus operandi, and I'm all about being myself so I guess I'll just let my heart lead me. That's what's fun for me, so I may as well have as much fun as I can. I have moments where I think that I hope I don't scare him off, but if someone is scared off by me so easily I don't think it's a good match anyway. And he seems game. He seems surprised by all of it, but up for seeing where the ride takes us. And I'm glad.

It's so nice to have so much love in my life. I don't want to be greedy, but it sure does feel amazing.

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